Carnival Entry Fees:
For One Day
or for the
Five Days
Adults $20
Children over 2 years but under 18 years $15
Presentation Night
Dinner available from
The Bistro at Club price
Drinks available at Club prices.
Maximum 350 people.
The $2000 Mystery Weight Fish
Prize and The Daily $100
Mystery Weight Fish Prizes
can only be claimed at the
Presentation Night and you
to be Eligible
to WIN the Money
CHILDRENS PRIZES AND CATEGORIES: A Child who has turned 2 and is under 10 but has NOT turned 10 years
on the opening day of The Carnival. A Child 10 to 14 years is a child who has turned 10 but has not turned
14 on the opening day of The Carnival. A Child under 18 is a Child who is 14 years and has not turned 18 on
the opening Day of The Carnival.
For a full copy of the rules email the Secretary